



A New VR Game Puts You in the Middle of Real English Premier League Plays

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Rezzil , a UK company in the sports VR space, is launching its Premier League Player game today .

The game is built on real-life player mechanics drawn from the data collected by the iPhone cameras positioned on the sidelines during games.

The movements of the footballers are captured so precisely, users playing the VR game can virtually set foot on the pitch and reenact plays from actual EPL games.

Premier League Player's kicking and heading features are much more realistic.

The game's goalkeeping is arms only for now; you can’t stop shots with your feet or torso.

Rezzil 's engine assesses your height and arm length, then designs shots to be in locations that challenge your reflexes without requiring you to dive across your living room.

Rezzil is a virtual game that recreates notable EPL plays from the Premier League .

Moments lets you recreate some of the most memorable moments of the game.

Players can also create their own free play features that allow for some amazing world-building drills.

The most tantalizing future possibility in Moments is the potential ability to change history.