



In 2013, 768 artists redrawed 2,000 pages of Katsuhiro Otomo’s Akira manga in Springfield

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In 2013 , 768 artists redrew 2,000 pages of Katsuhiro Otomo’s Akira manga in Springfield .

Each artist contributed five pages to the six -volume fan project, recreating every panel of the Akira manga .

Bartkira was created by Ryan Humphrey and artists James Harvey and Kaitlin Sullivan .

Both titles were released in the U.S. a week apart in December 1989 .

Sullivan : " Akira invented a lot of the stuff we take for granted now. Akira is a monumental achievement" He says he was inspired by classic films like Casablanca , Maltese Falcon, Clockwork Orange.

Sullivan : Bartkira 's success was social media, and the trailer was posted on social media.

Sullivan : Â Bartkira had 31 animators. I was able to keep the momentum going getting people to sign on, and occasionally pestering a few friends like, “Hey, can you take an extra shot? I want to get this thing going.” The Simpsons has slowly been adopting the appeal of anime in its couch gags and episodes.