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'A challenge and an opportunity for evolution': The extreme, hidden life thriving in Earth's most acidic and alkaline lakes

Live Science
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David Strayer : pH is a measure of whether a substance is acidic or basic.

Most inland waters have a pH between 4 and 9 ; pH range is far greater than the few tenths of a point that are so important in the ocean.

The pH scale is logarithmic — a change in pH of one unit represents a 10-fold change in acidity.

For instance, the ocean today has a pH of around 8.1 , which tells us that it is a little basic, but a change from 8.2 to 7.8 means an increase of 150% ..

Scientists found a green alga and three kinds of archaeans living in Kawah Ijen lake.

They found fly larvae called chironomids living in the stream at the point where the pH of the outlet stream reached a pH of about 2.5 (like vinegar, remember?). Alkali lakes typically occur in regions that are so dry that any water that runs into the lake leaves by evaporation rather than through an outlet stream.