



Faced with turmoil, a defiant Trudeau hangs on - for now

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been in power for nine years .

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland quit last week amid a series of political scandals.

But Trudeau has refused to resign, saying he will take time over winter holiday to think about what to do.

Observers say Trudeau has shown a streak of defiance when he is under pressure.

But there are signs that his time may be running out.

Just 26% of respondents said Trudeau was their top pick for prime minister, putting him 19 points behind Conservative leader Poilievre .

So far, at least 18 Liberal MPs have called for their leader to step down.

Trudeau 's stubborn perseverance in the face of a dismal political forecast has drawn comparisons to outgoing US President Joe Biden .