Study Finds

Study Finds



Dark energy doesn’t exist? Scientists propose radical rethink of cosmic expansion

Study Finds
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Dark energy has been modern physics’ most successful placeholder, a theoretical force invented to explain why galaxies seem to be racing away from each other at ever-increasing speeds.

Researchers from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand propose an alternative explanation that might eliminate the need for dark energy entirely.

Their theory, known as “timescape cosmology,” suggests that what we perceive as cosmic acceleration might actually result from how we measure and interpret cosmic distances.

The study suggests that we do not need dark energy to explain why the universe appears to expand at an accelerating rate.

The research team analyzed the Pantheon+ catalogue, which contains 1,690 supernova observations representing 1,535 unique supernovae.

They developed a new statistical framework that avoided assumptions tied to the standard Lambda Cold Dark Matter model.