



On the trail of Scotland's mysterious big cats

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The female puma - later nicknamed Felicity - was prime suspect for sheep attacks in and around Cannich , a community on the fringes of Glen Affric's vast area of hills, lochs and woodland.

She was caught by a farmer frustrated by a series of savage attacks on livestock.

Not everyone believed Felicity was behind the attacks, but some suggested she was a pet either abandoned or used to hoax Mr Noble .

Scotland 's nature agency NatureScot advises on non-native mammals in the wild and has information on its website about how to report unusual species. A spokesperson said: "While we receive one or two sightings of big cats a year , none of the reports submitted over the past 34 years have provided sufficient evidence to conclude that big cats were present. "The last verified sighting of a big cat in the wild in Scotland was in 1980 .".