

US Politics

US Politics

Net neutrality is about more than just net neutrality. It’s about consumer protection

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Trumplican 6th Circuit Just Killed Net Neutrality (And Whatever Was Left Of Pathetic U.S. Broadband Consumer Protection) from the not-with-a-bang,-but-with a-whimper dept dept.

The entire ruling reads like it could have been directly ripped from a telecom lobbyist’s playbook.

This is about corporate power leveraging its influence over corrupt U.S. courts and captured regulators to undermine all corporate consumer protection authority, not just piddly net neutrality rules.

The Sixth Circuit ruling is not all good news for big ISPs like Comcast and AT&T.

It comes ironically (?) on the heels of the telecom industry just suffered one of the worst hacking intrusions in American history.

The net neutrality fight may have been nuanced and wonky, but the broader existential, legal, and operational chaos coming as a result of this Trump 2.0 assault on federal governance is being overstated or will be in any way good for you.

Corporations have achieved (another) generational victory in the dismantling of consumer protection.