

US Politics

US Politics

Opinion | Trump’s FCC and FTC Chairs Say I Run a Censorship ‘Cartel.’ Here’s the Truth.

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The Washington Post published an article detailing how NewsGuard rates reliability of news sources.

Peter Bergen says incoming regulators are accusing him and his colleagues of being part of a left-wing conspiracy.

Bergen: We give high and low ratings to liberal and conservative sites alike, because the criteria we use to tally the point score have nothing to do with politics.

He says government regulators should never have a group of journalists to defend themselves.

Julian Zelizer : First Amendment means government has no power to censor, whether it’s our work or the work of political hacks posing as journalists.

Zelizer says FCC has threatened to take action against NewsGuard .

He says it's up to a jury to decide, not some regulator taking orders from an aggrieved political faction.