

US Politics

US Politics

Sunday school class with Jimmy Carter: What it was like

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Former President Jimmy Carter was a down-to-earth man of steadfast faith.

He taught Sunday school classes at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains , Georgia , for young and old, straight and gay, believers and nonbelievers.

Bob Greene : Carter taught his Sunday school class roughly twice a month to accommodate crowds that sometimes swelled to more than 500 .

Greene: During most of visits to the church, Carter spoke for 45 minutes without sitting down, his mind remained sharp.

After being diagnosed with cancer in 2015 , Carter and his wife would pose with visitors inside the sanctuary.

After an October 2019 fall at his home left him with a slightly fractured pelvis, the church announced Carter would not teach his next class on Nov. 3 .

"I'll be delighted to have photographs made with all of you," he quipped after one of his final lessons.