State of the Planet

State of the Planet



Jimmy Carter’s Climate Legacy: A Road Not Taken

State of the Planet
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77% Informative

Jimmy Carter , the 39th president of the United States , died December 29 .

Carter 's recognition of the climate threat in the 1970s was in some ways prescient, but also a recognition of sound scientific evidence that existed even at that time.

Carter created the Department of Energy in 1977 to consolidate the many government programs and research related to energy.

The program was meant to help the US wind down its reliance on foreign oil imports in the wake of the 1979 oil shocks.

Environmentalists saw his support for the program as a betrayal.

By the time he left office in 1981 , the government had a robust foundation to slow what Press1977 memo referred to as “our inability to shift rapidly to non-fossil fuel sources”.