

US Politics

US Politics

Windsor school boards seek deferral on demise of city bus program

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Mayor Drew Dilkens ’s proposed 2025 budget aims to end the school bus “extra” program.

The program sees city buses pick up paying students along designated routes to and from four Windsor high schools.

The directors of education for both the Greater Essex County District School Board and the Windsor Essex Catholic School Board spoke out against the suggested demise of the program.

“Parents are also concerned about late arrival to school. Some students have jobs after school, so they need to get on that bus to be able to get to their work.” Some extras, but not all, overlap with regular bus routes. According to the city’s website, students are encouraged to stand at regular bus stops if the extra travels along a regular route. But for extras that take other routes, students stand at unmarked street corners and flag down the bus. tcampbell@postmedia.com.