



Why Comet G3 (ATLAS) will be 'remembered as the Great Comet of 2025' (photos)

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Comet 2024 G3 (ATLAS) met or exceeded expectations to become the brightest comet in 18 years .

After it made its closest pass to the sun (perihelion) on Jan. 13 , the comet became very bright, and shortly thereafter developed a significant and strongly structured tail.

For several days it could be glimpsed from most Northern Hemisphere locations that were blessed with clear, transparent skies and clear, unobstructed horizons.

A comet that is visible during the daytime is a very unusual occurrence.

Only four other comets were sighted in daylight conditions in the last 100 years .

C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) quickly shifted southward putting it out of reach of most Northern Hemisphere viewers.

Comet 2024 G3 is disintegrating from the sun and is rapidly retreating from the Earth .

It can no longer be observed from the Northern Hemisphere , but even from the Southern Hemisphere viewing it will become less favorable in the coming days ahead .

It will be positioned relatively low to the southwest horizon a couple of hours after sunset, but because it is now fading rapidly as well.