



In Oaxaca, bartenders are using local ingredients like hoja santa, huitlacoche, and flying ants in cocktails

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The Selva , the signature cocktail at the bar of the same name, was created by Alexandra Purcaru in 2019 .

It contains mezcal, Oaxaca 's best-known spirit, and the hoja santa leaf from the plant so peculiar and powerful, it's also known as pepperleaf and root-beer plant.

The ingredients are combined and liquefied in a NutriBullet personal shake followed by a triple strain.

There is a lot of daring in these cocktails, and also a lot to figure out.

Paranubes is a white Oaxacan rum that's almost Caribbean in style, with far-out tasting notes of roasted pineapple, cinnamon, clove, pickle brine.

Incorporating mezcal into cocktails is no easier, simply because there are so many different types of agave that the liquor can be made from.