



This is a very, very sturdy wrap, so you can load it on with a bunch of toppings

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You can use this to make anything, Anything that you would typically use a wrap like a traditional wrap, you're going to be able to use this for. It has great structure where you can make a huge burrito, a huge thick wrap. I'm going to show you how easy this is to throw it together. These egg whites are loaded with protein and there's no reason why you shouldn't make these instead of buying them.

These are a very, very low carb. They're low calorie, super high in protein, so very nutritious at the end of the day .

The way I look at this is just like a vessel to carry all of my toppings.

I highly suggest if you love eating like tortillas and wraps, don't buy them. You're going to save a lot of money. These are super, super clean and they're so easy to make. You know it's not going to get you bloated, but you know that it's clean.