



Sperm donation: Judge warns over man who 'fathered 180 children'

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Robert Charles Albon , who calls himself Joe Donor , claims to have fathered 180 children.

Advertises on social media accounts like Facebook and Instagram and donates through various methods including artificial insemination and more natural methods like sexual intercourse.

Cardiff Family Court heard that Mr Albon was a "stranger" to the child and has only met them for 10 minutes when a few weeks old for a " one -off" photo.

Judge said he wanted to protect women from the possible consequences of unregulated sperm donorship.

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority said it was "always safer to have treatment with donor sperm" at clinics it licensed.

The HFEA said licensed clinics were also expected to adhere to the " 10 family limit", restricting the number of families that can be created with a single donor.