Zepp Clarity Hearing Aid Try-On




Review: Zepp Clarity’s three hearing aid models are all markedly different. Here’s what they’re like

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65% Informative

Zepp Clarity announced a new program to encourage more of the millions of people with hearing loss to give hearing aids a spin.

The hearing aid brand is still selling aids on a pay-up-front basis, with a 60-day money-back guarantee offer.

The listening experience is hit-or-miss, with audio quality on the thin and tinny side, dulling a lot of the lower frequencies and making for a slightly unnatural aural experience.

Zepp Clarity Pixie hearing aids take a design cue from the One aids, with an in-the-ear design and a per-aid weight of just 1.17 grams .

The Pixie aids feature frequent and random bouts of ear-piercing squeals that are impossible to ignore, even at the bare minimum volume.

At the highest volume level, I found the hearing aids close to unusable, creating a low-level hum that began to grate on the nerves after just a few minutes .

As with the rest of Zepp ’s aids, these were slashed in price from $1,999 to $999 while I was testing them. Compared to a similar product like the vastly superior Sony CRE-C20 aids at the same price, the calculus should be plainly obvious. Rating: 4/10 .