



A Player Has Defeated Punch-Out’s Mike Tyson in Under 2 Minutes for the First Time

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Mike Tyson's Punch-Out was released on the NES in 1987 .

In all this time, no one has been able to register a TKO on Mike Tyson in less than two minutes on the in-game clock.

Speedrun historian Summoning Salt broke the record with a 1:59.97 knockout on Saturday .

Getting the quickest possible Tyson TKO requires throwing 21 "frame perfect" punches.

But after spending years on what he writes "is the greatest gaming achievement I have ever accomplished," Summoning Salt seems ready to hang up his virtual boxing gloves for good. "I have no plans to ever improve this time," he writes. "It will be beaten by somebody one day , likely by matching this fight and then getting better luck in phase 3 . I have no interest in competing for that but am extremely proud to have gotten the first sub-2 ever on Mike Tyson . "This story originally appeared on Ars Technica ..