



How to save your PC when Windows 10 hits end of life

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61% Informative

After October 14, 2025 , Microsoft will no longer release any regular updates to Windows 10 .

Microsoft announced last autumn that it would be offering a year of continued security updates for around $30 .

Buying yourself a year ’s grace may make sense, especially if you really want to get a new computer with Windows 11 , but would prefer waiting until next year .

Linux Mint has a graphical interface that is fairly close to Windows and is designed to work well right after installation without having to tinker with settings.

Google’s Chrome OS is essentially an alternative to Windows 10 , but it is simplified with all interaction via the Chrome browser.

Foundry is essentially the system that powers Google's Chromebooks .

There are some things you can do to protect yourself from the biggest risks and avoid the worst.

Pay for a good security package and make sure all antivirus features are switched on.

Be extra vigilant about what you do online and only install programs that you know come from trusted sources.