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US Politics

US Politics

Mitch McConnell’s Senate Reign Ends With a Whimper

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Mitch McConnell announced he would not seek an eighth term as Kentucky ’s senior senator in 2026 .

Bob Greene : McConnell is taking his final bow as a relic of a political era that no longer exists.

Greene: For decades , McConnell was the undisputed architect of Republican power in Washington . He turned obstructionism into an art form, blocking Democratic priorities.

McConnell ’s relevance was fading by the 2020 election, the violent aftermath of which offered him one of few opportunities to rid the party of Trump for good.

His refusal to engage in the performative outrage that defines Trump -era politics became a liability in a party increasingly driven by personality cults and grievance politics.

Trump eventually dubbed him “Old Crow” a moniker McConnell wryly embraced.