

US Politics

US Politics

Bushey murders: The arrogant ex-soldier who turned triple killer

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Kyle Clifford raped and murdered Louise Hunt , and killed her sister Hannah and mother Carol .

Louise had ended an 18-month relationship with Clifford , who she said was "sucking the life out of me" Police said Clifford 's behaviour "appears to have escalated at an unprecedented rate" Six days before the murders, Clifford legally purchased a crossbow online, along with a cocking device and six bolts, for 350 .

He also bought a specialist butchering knife, rope, petrol cans and duct tape.

Police believe he was trying to establish if Louise 's father was at home.

Clifford shot himself with a crossbow as police approached him in a cemetery.

He was paralysed from the chest down after being found paralysed by the weapon.

Clifford had previously admitted murdering the three women, false imprisonment and possessing offensive weapons.

He opted not to attend his trial at Cambridge Crown Court , either in person or via video.