

US Politics

US Politics

Time Use Survey 2024 shows Indian women unfairly burdened by housework

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Indian women spend over seven hours a day on unpaid domestic and caregiving work.

Men spend 88 minutes on chores and 75 minutes on care work compared to 289 minutes on unpaid work.

Government data shows women spend less time than men doing paid work and engaging in self-care activities.

She believes that women are expected and raised to accept this lower rung of power. "When Indian men talk about what they like about their wives and mothers, it often has a lot to do with how much they have sacrificed for them or how much they take care of them or the home," Ms Srinivasan says. India 's Time Use Survey shows that social change is slow, and it may take time before women spend less on domestic work. In the meantime, films like Mrs spark conversations around everyday questions many prefer to avoid - like, who's doing the dishes?.