


Business & Economics

PIP benefits: 'Worrying' number of teens lose payments at age 16

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Hundreds a week are being stripped of disability benefits after their 16th birthdays.

Nearly a third of those who received Disability Living Allowance in childhood had claims rejected.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer has called the current system "unsustainable, indefensible and unfair" Charity Scope said a "complex, adversarial and difficult to navigate" system contributed to the rejections.

Sally Donley acted for her son Euan Hawes when he was invited to transition from DLA to PIP .

She says she spent two hours talking with an assessor about the impact of his disabilities.

Euan 's claim was refused, but the decision was eventually overturned and he was granted PIP 's highest rates.

Ms Donley : "The stress this puts on families is horrendous and cruel".