Condé Nast

Condé Nast



The Jumbo Envy Fueling Donald Trump’s Rage at Boeing

Condé Nast
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74% Informative

Peter Bergen : Air Force One is far more than just a very large machine.

He says it represents prestige and power of the U.S. as well as of the president himself.

The 747 -8 is a larger airplane, its engines are at least 30% more efficient and far less polluting, Bergen says.

The bunker mentality of the bunker mentality, both subterranean and airborne, has long since replaced that fevered 1960s mindset.

Trump has reportedly directed his own Dr. Strangelove , Elon Musk , to interrogate the problem and fix it.

One world power has clearly assessed these same risks and left behind the doomsday doctrine.

President Xi Jinping of China calmly girdles the earth in an airplane that began its life.