Reason Magazine

Reason Magazine



Case Alleging Race-Based Firing of White Male Manager Accused of Physical Misconduct by Black Female Employee Can Go Forward

Reason Magazine
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65% Informative

Judge Clifton Corker ( E.D. Tenn. ) in Williams v. Alkermes v. Williams in Tennessee .

Judge: Travis Williams worked as Defendant 's District Sales Manager in Knoxville , Tennessee for approximately thirteen years , selling a drug known as Vivitrol .

In March 2023 , Plaintiff and other District Business Leaders attended Defendant 's national sales team meeting in Orlando , Florida .

Williams says he was fired for sexual assault, groping, and putting hands around his throat.

He says the EEOC "sacrificed [Plaintiff], the white male, instead of addressing the harder known truth of discrimination by a black employee" Williams says the only protected activity that took place after alleged harassment or retaliatory conduct took place.

To the extent the foregoing post could be categorized as retaliatory, it was anonymous. Thus, even if Plaintiff is correct in his belief that Ms. Garcia wrote or prompted the post, there are no facts to support the allegations that Defendant condoned, tolerated, or encouraged the post or that Defendant 's response, or lack thereof, was unreasonable..

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