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Slate Magazine



Ask A.J.: I’m almost at five months sober, and I’m getting tired and less motivated with AA. Do you ever feel this sobriety burnout?

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A.J. asked if he was tired of talking about his sobriety.

He says he's almost at five months sober and has found himself getting tired and less motivated with AA.

"Bored but not drunk yet," he says. Burnout is temporary and conquerable. It requires patience and fortitude.

When someone asked me how I was doing, I’d tell them I was “fine,” no matter if I was fine or extremely not.

When I shut down like that, I become more susceptible to acting out in destructive ways.

At this point, I'm therapized and program-focused enough that I can tell when I need other people to talk to, even though all I want to do is isolate and go dark.

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