American Thinker

American Thinker



Without God, There is No TRUE Respect for Human Life

American Thinker
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Without God, There is No TRUE Respect for Human Life, says Bob Greene .

Greene: I wasn’t always the halo-adorned, floating-in-the-ether desert mystic (without the sand or heat) Greene : What, though, are people if there’s no God, and hence no spirit world, and we’re a mere cosmic accident?.

John Sutter : The more we mainstream godlessness, the more it and its corollaries will permeate not just minds but hearts.

He says the prevailing concept of evolution is godless and serves to supplant Intelligent Design .

If man is a divinely-created finished product, albeit fallen, then we have no reason nor right to alter the intended design.

Sutter says this is precisely how psychopaths view others.

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