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One woman's boyfriend surprised her by booking a solo vacation to spend a week with his ex

Slate Magazine
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Prudie: My partner and I have been together for nine years and I'm uncomfortable with the nature of his relationship with his ex.

He planned to go to Hawaii to see his ex, but he didn't consult you beforehand, she says.

Some people would consider the idea of their partner traveling and spending time with an ex to be nonnegotiable.

Dear Prudence : What do I do about my family's reaction to my vacation plans? It's not anyone’s place to judge how you spend your time or who you spend it with.

Your husband has no friends except maybe once or twice a year.

Do I owe the woman who's cut my hair since 2017 a "breakup" message?.

He has a very social job so he knows lots of people in our community but doesn't actually make an effort to connect with people outside of work.

He complains about never having anyone to do anything with. I, on the other hand, have a handful of good friends, that I make a genuine effort to see frequently.

I make it very clear that if he wants to take a day to go fishing or play golf, he is absolutely welcome to and I’ll take the kids for the day so he can get out and have some fun.

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