American Thinker

American Thinker



The United States’ fertility rate has fallen to around 1.78, which is a cause for concern

American Thinker
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The U.S. fertility rate has fallen to around 1.78, combined with the general downward trajectory, is a cause for concern.

To replace the population, a country needs to maintain a rate around 2.1 .

Low fertility rates change a country remarkably fast since each generation compounds on top of the one before.

An aggressive Islamic culture with high birthrates will sweep away the postmodern secular European culture.

Fletch: For Democrats , dependence is the coin of the realm. It’s what they want for all Americans and, indeed, people across the globe: debt, dependence, and despair. Hope, faith, and dignity do not flourish in that environment.

The cure is national pride, faith and hope paired with an unshackled economy.

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