The Federalist

The Federalist



If The U.S. Doesn't Build More Ships, China Will Rule The Waves

The Federalist
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51% Informative

President Trump announced the creation of a new Office of Shipbuilding within the White House , aiming to revive America ’s once-thriving shipbuilding industry.

Peter Bergen : The U.S. has fallen behind China in both commercial and military shipbuilding, putting our economic and national security at risk.

China is projected to have more than 400 ships and submarines in its fleet by 2030 .

U.S. awareness of dangers posed by China ’s expanding naval capabilities is growing.

The Trump administration is reportedly working on an executive order to enhance investment in shipbuilding.

To ensure economic and national security, America needs more ships, says Julian Zelizer .

Zelizer: The focus on reviving the American shipbuilding industry is timely.

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