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The Woman’s Mother Is Making Up Whole Lies to Avoid Visiting Her Family

Slate Magazine
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The last time my mom came to visit us was three years ago , when my sister was living with us during her husband's deployment and had a baby here.

I don't want my children to grow up feeling like their cousins are more important to Grandma than they are.

Dear Care and Feeding : When it comes to health, dating, sex, underage drinking/drugs, etc., ideally these are things your kid will be able to talk with both you and your husband.

It's okay if, every once in a while, your child tells one of you about a worry or a secret crush or an embarrassing moment from their day .

It's likely that you'll need to continue advocating for your son at school, even when he has great teachers who like him a lot.

An important piece of this could be getting him more educational support and accommodations.

If he has been or is eventually diagnosed as neurodivergent, you should be able to get him evaluated at school.

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